Sunday, 12 August 2007

The Incredibly Stupid Frog Person - Never be rude to a Bigamist

One day, The Incredibly Stupid Frog Person was learning to tie his shoe laces. He used to be able to do it, in fact he once won an award for it, but he'd forgotten how to. During his learning time, Bruce 'The Bigamist' McPisser came bursting into his house. Bruce 'The Bigamist' McPisser was a bigamist, but he was also an ex-professional wrestler, who'd been sacked from his last job because he'd been caught injecting steroids into his pecker - this man was bad news. Bruce 'The Bigamist' McPisser was really pissed off with The Incredibly Stupid Frog Person because he'd heard a story that The Incredibly Stupid Frog Person had 'titted up' his 5th wife at the local supermarket as they both queued at the checkout.

The Incredibly Stupid Frog Person denied the story. He was non-to-plussed at being accused of such a thing. Bruce 'The Bigamist' McPisser didn't give a toss what The Incredibly Stupid Frog Person had to say, "Look frog-head", he yacked "You either titted her up and you'll get a whacking for that, or you didn't, and that means you don't think she's fit, and you should cos she is well fit, so that way you're saying she's a munter, and saying she's a munter means you're going to get a whacking. Either way, you're copping a whacking, frog-head".

It didn't look promising for The Incredibly Stupid Frog Person. "Your fifth wife is very pretty, but i'd never take advantage, i respect you too much, Mr McPisser" pleaded The Incredibly Stupid Frog Person. Bruce 'The Bigamist' McPisser paused for a moment, "I suppose that makes sense, but that last bit makes you sound like a gayer and you fancy me. I don't like gayers so you're going to get a double hard whacking for that!". The Incredibly Stupid Frog Person was looking straight down both barrels of a double hard whacking. If Whackings were earrings then The Incredibly Stupid Frog Person was hanging from Su Pollard's ears.

At that moment, The Wally Duck popped around to see if The Incredibly Stupid Frog Person wanted to play a game of Scatch, little did he know he was walking into a war zone. Bruce 'The Bigamist' McPisser has always liked The Wally Duck, so he politely explained everything and told him to step aside and he wouldn't get hurt. The Wally Duck put a good word in for The Incredibly Stupid Frog Person, and to his credit he got the Double hard whacking down to a one and half strength whacking.

It was at this point that The Incredibly Stupid Frog Person sunk to new depths. To try and save his own green skin, he accused The Wally Duck of doing things. He told Bruce 'The Bigamist' McPisser that The Wally Duck regularly went around to his house and titted up all his wives. Sadly for The Incredibly Stupid Frog Person, Bruce 'The Bigamist' McPisser didn't believe him, and it also pissed off The Wally Duck. The Incredibly Stupid Frog Person now got a 10-times whacking off Bruce 'The Bigamist' McPisser and then The Wally Duck pecked what was left of his pathetic corpse. He wasn't dead, he was just resting.

Just so you all know, The Incredibly Stupid Frog Person never titted her up, and just before The Wally Duck had arrived at The Incredibly Stupid Frog Person's house, he'd been around at Bruce 'The Bigamist' McPisser's house, titting up all his wives.

The End.

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