Tuesday, 7 August 2007

The Incredibly Stupid Frog Person - The Parachutist with a limp

Once upon a time there was an incredibly stupid frog person. This frog person used to parade himself around the town as if he owned it and he rubbed some people up the wrong way. One such person was Graham the Parisian Parachutist. Graham was a funny French person. He was always throwing himself off things, but they were never quite high enough for his parachute to fully take affect, and therefore Graham walked with his own imitable limp. The incredibly stupid frog person would try and copy Graham the Parisian Parachutist's limp whenever he saw him.

One day, Graham the Parisian Parachutist was walking towards Wobbly Bob the Bookmaker's, Bookmakers. It was Thursday and there was money left from the weeks kitty, so Graham the Parisian Parachutist could afford an afternoon in the bookmakers. Whilst Graham the Parisian Parachutist was on his way there, The Incredibly Stupid Frog Person saw him from the other side of the road and quickly ran across. Graham the Parisian Parachutist wasn't best pleased when The Incredibly Stupid Frog Person was putting on his version of ' the limp' as he crossed the road. He wished he could kick him in the face, but sadly all the bad landings had stopped him from being able to reach The Incredibly Stupid Frog Person's, froggy face. Instead Graham the Parisian Parachutist just gobbed on The Incredibly Stupid Frog Person and limped off as fast as he could. The Incredibly Stupid Frog Person just stood there, shocked, as he couldn't understand why Graham the Parisian Parachutist would do such a thing.

The End.

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